Before you self publish, you must start marketing and here's why ...

When I first began working with aspiring authors, I thought the main barrier to self-publishing would be drawing out a good message.

It turns out, a lot of you have some damn good ideas for things to write about. What really has everyone puzzled is how to market that damn good idea.

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When pressing the reset button won't do ...

For the last two years, entrepreneurship has been a wild ride. I relished the personal freedom to work from my living room or desk at any hour of the day, but for all the perks of independent working (and trying to create a business that could scale and grow), there are some obvious challenges. Never knowing where your next pay check is coming from, and recruiting, training and organizing talent, to name a few. Over time, the cons of business ownership began to outweigh the good. To solve my problems in life, I have the habit of pressing the reset button, when in reality, sometimes things need to die in order for them to be reborn.

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