Marketing and branding: what I'm keeping, letting go and testing for the rest of 2016

Earlier this month I made a decision to shut down my business. For a few reasons I won't go into here, I decided to start fresh and reimagine the industries I've been working in (content marketing, inbound marketing and publishing). Rather than being responsible for the marketing of a company with a virtual team, we decided to simplify operations, disband (for lack of a less dramatic term) and come together periodically throughout the year for large projects, when opportunities arise.

This means all the marketing know-how I've acquired needs a fresh set of eyes.

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Before you self publish, you must start marketing and here's why ...

When I first began working with aspiring authors, I thought the main barrier to self-publishing would be drawing out a good message.

It turns out, a lot of you have some damn good ideas for things to write about. What really has everyone puzzled is how to market that damn good idea.

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Content marketing sputtering a bit? Here's where to start

A few years ago content marketing was the dorky new kid on the playground. It looked normal, it sounded smart, but something wasn't quite what people were expecting. As the story often goes, the early bird got the worm ...

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Human Marketing: A Manifesto

I believe in usability. I believe in accessibility. I believe in transparency. I believe in meeting people where they are. I believe in acknowledging where I am. I believe in seeing my talents for what they are, my business for what it is and is not and my clients for what they can and can never be to me. I believe the most important person in my life is the person standing right in front of me.

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