Marketing and branding: what I'm keeping, letting go and testing for the rest of 2016

Earlier this month I made a decision to shut down my business. For a few reasons I won't go into here, I decided to start fresh and reimagine the industries I've been working in (content marketing, inbound marketing and publishing). Rather than being responsible for the marketing of a company with a virtual team, we decided to simplify operations, disband (for lack of a less dramatic term) and come together periodically throughout the year for large projects, when opportunities arise.

This means all the marketing know-how I've acquired needs a fresh set of eyes.

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Content marketing sputtering a bit? Here's where to start

A few years ago content marketing was the dorky new kid on the playground. It looked normal, it sounded smart, but something wasn't quite what people were expecting. As the story often goes, the early bird got the worm ...

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