Effecting change and using discernment in storytelling

If you glance at a list of TED talks about storytelling, you’ll get any subject from Twitter fiction to “a better way to talk about abortion,” and everything (and I mean everything) in-between.

In other words—even the so-called experts have a hard time defining the concept of storytelling, why it’s so powerful, and most importantly—how and when to do it.

How do you define something humans have done since the beginning of… humanity? 

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Tips for Proofreading in the Age of Distraction

I have the great pleasure of writing, editing and proofreading for AB Editorial.  It’s one of my dream jobs.  This introvert loves to settle into her quiet home office, steaming mug of coffee in hand, and break out the mental Red Pen.

Most proofreaders are avid readers in general – but that’s not to say that the job is always easy.  You do enough proofing and editing and you can find yourself skimming without paying much attention.  This goes double for particularly dry content.  Beyond considerations such as style and grammar, I’m concerned with clarity and whether the message is cogent.  Naturally, this doesn’t allow for a wandering mind.

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Self Publishing Step One: Stall like your life depends on it (and then ask for help)

The past week I've been stalling on writing my book. I've offered to do 101 different things for people around me. I'll do anything but look at the first draft of my outline. But it wasn't until I remembered that I'd promised to blog about my experience that something changed.

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