The things that get us through (in)voluntarily transformation

The things that get us through (in)voluntarily transformation

Life was tough before COVID-19 showed up and shifted things to a place we’ve never seen before.

Life is now challenging for all of us in new ways.

It reminds me of when I first left college, completely out of my element without a religious home or academic structure to make me feel safe.

Few things are as peculiar and baffling as being 22 years old, but also toss in a faith crisis, stunted social skills and over-the-top constant anxiety? This was the first of a series of semi-involuntary “who am I” life transformations. Not to say I’m all cute and transformed and everything’s fine now. But who I was then and who I am now are very different creatures, and it didn’t happen by accident. It took a lot of intentional work.

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